

Important Principles Of  CNC  Machining

In the process of precision parts processing, a reasonable process line is an important principle that remains unchanged. There are often several surfaces that need to be processed on a CNC machining part. These surfaces not only have certain precision requirements, but also have certain precision requirements between each surface. In order to ensure the size and position requirements, the circuit sequence of each surface of the CNC machining part cannot be arranged arbitrarily, but must follow certain principles, that is, the selection and conversion of the positioning datum determines the processing sequence, and the pre-process prepares the positioning datum for the subsequent process. important principle. Take a look at the following points:




3. The importance of the fine reference. The surface as the fine reference should be processed at the beginning of the CNC machining process, because it is used for positioning when processing other surfaces in the subsequent process. That is, "benchmarks first and others later".




The above are the important principles of precision CNC machining in Dongguan. I hope it will be helpful to you after reading it. If you want to know more about precision CNC machining, welcome to read more of our articles!